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Kids Ministry at Irvington Seventh-Day Adventist Church

At Irvington Church, our kids experience safe, age-appropriate environments where they learn about Jesus in a creative and relevant way. 

Kids and Volunteers



Volunteers at Irvington Church are trained to create an atmosphere where families can confidently leave their children while they are in service.

Cradle Roll Class


Our Cradle Roll class is an environment created especially for your infant through preschool-aged children (0-4 years old). We kindly ask that guardians with children ages 0-2 remain in the classroom with their children. Children ages 3-4 may be dropped off at each guardian's discretion. We can’t wait to meet them! We know things are busy at this stage of life and your children are learning and growing in amazing ways. Each class includes a Bible story, craft or activity, and learning how God created beautiful aspects in nature with a nature lesson.


Primary Class


Our Primary class is an environment created especially for your 5-8 year olds. We can't wait to meet them! Each class includes a Bible story, craft or activity, and learning how God created beautiful aspects in nature with a nature lesson. 


Junior Class


Our Junior class is an environment created especially for your 9-13 year olds. We can't wait to meet them! Each class includes a Bible story, craft or activity, and learning how God created beautiful aspects in nature with a nature lesson. 




During their time in the Cradle Roll class, Primary class and Junior class we want your children to embrace their faith and understand that:

God Made them.

God Loves them.

Jesus Wants to be Their Friend Forever.



Weekly Children's Story


During the main church service each week there is a designated portion of time set aside for our children. During this time of the worship service we do a children's story that ties in practical ways we see Jesus working throughout our lives and what he has done for us. 



Vacation Bible School


Each year we have an annual Vacation Bible School. This offers learning Biblical truths through a Bible story and enjoying game time, snack time and crafts.

To celebrate the starting of VBS we have a VBS kickoff event. In past events we have had animal shows, petting zoo's, science experiments, clowns, balloon animals, face painting, bounce houses, dunk tanks and carnival games, along with popcorn and snow cones. It is a wonderful day of community outreach and fellowship!


VBS 2023

Sunday June 4th kick off 
VBS Monday- Friday 6-8pm


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